Website Changelog

Looking back on the progress of a project can be a great source of motivation, so I'm creating this changelog to look back on in the future.

Changes to articles will not be recorded here.

23rd July 2024

This will likely be the final entry to the changelog.
I've been working for too long on this website without consistently putting any content on it. I'm going to try to change that.
I have been working on some articles and other things. We'll see how things go.
As of writing, an older version of this website is hosted on GitHub Pages and hasn't been updated for months.
I've been experimenting with other free hosting services including GeoCities, so we'll see what we end up with, if anything.
I have a domain name in mind and should be purchasing it soon if all goes well. Hopefully it's the one you're on right now.

Something this changelog taught me is how many ideas can live and die in a short time. On the other hand, it also shows how much one idea can evolve over time, and even stick with you without you realizing.

= Slightly brightened text in dark mode for (hopefully) better contrast.
= The website is now split into better sections including the Software section.
= I am making progress once again on finding the confidence to publish the website and commit to making content for it.
= Merged the old changelog dating back to 2019 with this one once again.

7th August 2023

+ Created the Alias Musuem page.

4th January 2023

= Changed font from "Dosis Book" to "Dosis Medium"
+ Created About page.

20th December 2022

= Made homepage better.
+ Starting adding "Edited as well as "Published" dates to pages.

15th December 2022:

= Reversed Website Changelog order to show newest first.
- Removed the "See latest" button from the Website Changelog.
- Removed the old Website Changelog page. I realized that changelog really belongs to a previous project.

14th December 2022:

= Made page titles and descriptions more consistent.

8th December 2022:

= Improved the formatting of the homepage.
= Improved button colour palettes.
= Improved consistency between pages.
= Shortened some dates (E.G.: from "8th December 2022" to 8.12.2022).
= Replaced center tags with appropriate CSS.
= Updated 404 page.
- Removed unused assets.

18th June 2022:

= Improved the formatting of the homepage.
= Improved button colour palettes.
= Slightly darkened text in dark mode to reduce eye-strain.
= Combined separate elements on the homepage into a singular box for a clearer layout.



31st May 2022:

= Improved formatting.
= Improved background & hyperlink colours in dark mode.
= Extended padding on navigation bar to fill width of the screen.
+ Added missing alt text for some images.
+ Added custom scroll bar.
- Removed unused assets.

22nd May 2022:

= Improved formatting.

15th May 2022:

- Deleted the Projects page (projects are now listed in the Directory).

7th May 2022:

= Improved buttons.

21st April 2022:

+ Added extra separators between sections on some pages.
= Fixed incorrect header sizes in "Notes" sections of all pages.
= Improved formatting of HTML in some pages.

20th April 2022:

= Shortened "Notes" sections of all pages.
= Tidied up the credits.

13th April 2022:

= Fixed incorrect pixels in the favourites icon.
= Changed some button colours.
+ Added a "Show credits" button to the Directory page.

12th April 2022:

= Changed favourites icon:

favourites icon

= Rounded off the bottom edges of separators.
= Improved button colours in dark mode.
+ Created a new Projects page to document projects. I'll produce reports on all of my projects here.

20th March 2022:

= Fixed buttons on old website changelog.
= Improved button colours.
= Updated page titles.

13th March 2022:

= Moved styling for some buttons from HTML to stylesheets.
= Made buttons more consistent and more visible.
- Removed the Articles page.

2nd March 2022:

= Made the background colour in dark mode consistent with other UI elements.
= Changed outdated e-mail addresses in some files.

12th February 2022:

= Updated e-mail addresses and dates in files for better consistency.

Example of the new date formats, placed at the top of every file on the website.

= Made the Directory (homepage) a bit sleeker: Centered the welcome text and merged the functions of the infoboard with the welcome text.

Previous version of the Directory page with two redundant boxes and text on the left instead of the center.

Sleeker version of the Directory page with centered text.

6th February 2022:

= Updated Easypea Games.

5th February 2022:

= Changed hyperlink colour in dark mode to be more readable.
= Updated e-mail addresses in files.
- Removed the logo from the homepage.
- Removed unused pages.

3rd February 2022:

+ Began a new changelog.
- Removed unused code for the old article viewer.

4th August 2020

- Removed the content viewer idea for better compatibility with web crawlers.
= All pages have been reverted back from txt files to stand-alone html files.
= Submitted this website to Google's site index.
= Changed hyperlink colour to be more readable.
= Shortened the "dark" url parameter to "d"
= Shortened websitechangelog to changelog
= Made some edits to the changelog page, including updating invalid links

31st July 2020

= Changed some urls to allow for better compatibility with offline viewing.
= Renamed contentviewer.html to index.html and shortened the "file" parameter to "f"
= Made some tweaks to the content viewer.

7th July 2020

+ Added a static image as a background for the website
= Ditched self-hosting and tunnels with serveo & ngrok. This website is now officially hosted 24/7 on awardspace.
= Optimized the website to allow for better compatibility with hosts like awardspace
= Made some changes to the format of the Contact page
= Removed unused client-side content
= Tidied up useless semi-colons

1st July 2020

+ Added indicators to changelog page
+ Added a countdown to the Not Found page for redirecting to the home page
+ Added a switch for toggling the light mode. Previously it was just a regular button on the navigation bar.
+ Added a Credits page to give credit to all of the icon artists.
= Improved light & dark themes, the background is now affected
= Migrated the Project Browser to the Content Viewer
= Organized changelog page
= Updated the Not Found page with new theme.
= Changed the "Website Changelog" button text on the navigation bar to just "Changelog" to simplify & shorten the text.
= Fixed the button to show older changes on the changelog page. It kept hiding them again after a few seconds.

28th June 2020

+ Created a Content Viewer page to display any .txt files. This feature has a toggleable dark mode which saves your choice.
- Removed "Minor update" and "Major update" labels from the changelog page
= Tidied up more HTML files, now EVERYTHING is formatted much nicer than before
= Finished updating some pages with the new file addresses
= Everything on the Projects page has been migrated to the Content Viewer
= This page has been migrated to the Content Viewer
= Changed a few colours on some pages

26th June 2020

- Removed scrolling text below the navigation bar on the main page
- Removed site title above navigation bar on main page
- Deleted unused server-side scripts
- Deleted unused client-side content
= Updated website name from [redacted] to [redacted]
= Updated all page titles & descriptions
= Restructured client-side content by organizing everything into folders
= Polished up the server code a bit
= Tidied up some HTML files, they're now formatted much nicer

20th March 2020

+ Added a project browser on the projects page
- All useless code was removed from the server
= Updated information for the Crystal FM project (renamed to Wave24R) and placed information there into a development blog format.
= Updated website name from [redacted] to [redacted]
= The site title on the main page is now above the navigation bar

14th August 2019

= Slightly re-arranged addresses for client files.
= Improved font on navigation bar (set to verdana)
= Moved "Now serving" text on main page by a few pixels.
= Updated website name from "InvadeNet" to [redacted]
= Updated favicon

12th June 2019

+ This server now hosts a page for my new Discord bot, Crystal FM.
- The MPP General Documentation page has been deleted, and the Homepage UK page is now private.
- Removed old traces of the INRadio project.
= I've continued work on this project.
= General site clean up has been completed:
= I'm planning to publish the website and at least host it 24/7.
= Server code has been tidied up a little bit.

12th May 2019

+ Created Homepage UK page (a page that displays time, weather in your selected city, and various pieces of information to start your day)

11th May 2019

+ Created Change Log page. (logs before this one were already recorded elsewhere and were moved here)
+ Finally created and applied a favourites icon. (favicon.ico)
= Replaced all instances of "onclick" in the navigation bar in the HTML files with "href"
= Edited the main page slightly.

23rd April 2019

= Made all colours darker.
= Theme changed to dark with cyan standing out a lot more, much smarter looking.
= Improved navigation bar. (Made it an actual navigation bar instead of just buttons)

17th April 2019

+ Created MPP General Documentation page

24th April 2019

- INRadio server shutdown.

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